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Tommy Simpson

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Artist / Maker / Culture
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Tommy Simpsonb. 1939

It has been said that life is a journey fom the illusion of certainty to the certainty of illusion. The artifacts from the voyage of Tommy Simpson are the by-products of a very special and unique traveler. His illusions come from a spirit that is exceedingly rare, for they are created with joy, mystery and with exuberance for the poignant follies of life, overflowing with possibilities and providing multiple avenues of contemplation - not to mention pure fun. Possessing a masterful love of craft and invention, he makes contemporary treasures that somehow encompass the eyes and the hands of past generations - from the simple anonymous objects of the commonplace to the sophisticated contributions of 20th century art. Moreover, while maintaining an exquisite blend of originality, consistincy, abstraction and light, texture and surface rejoice in these elements yet travel beyond to worlds of physical functions, mental utility, ironic absurdity and spiritual meaning.

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